Let me tell you a bit about myself
Hey there! I am a junior web developer with a focus on the front-end looking to take that next step. Writing a strong "header" to my dev career, I've learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, and built dozens of personal projects using these skills. Additionally, I enjoy integrating Node, Express, and MongoDB for server-side and storage when necessary. I'm ready to start building the "body" (ok, no more puns, I..."promise") of my career using these tools, and to continue developing as a programmer. Through a tried and tested process, my projects have an organized codebase and clean feel. Navigating the murky waters of industry, I've waded everywhere from warehouses to education and HVAC to actuarial. I love to travel, experience nature, ride motorcycles, learn languages, and math history. And I'm always, always ready for anything soccer.
HTML was my introduction to coding, my first GitHub repo, and the means by which I arrived in the development field. From landing pages to full stack web applications, I've designed and built dozens of projects using HTML. With HTML5, I use the most current element tags to keep codebases clean and build well-organized and easy-to-navigate web apps.
Color schemes, fonts, opacity, transitions, transformations, Grid, Flexbox...I have designed many projects with different CSS3 features to make aesthetically pleasing applications. Additionally, I've used frameworks such as Bootstrap and Materialize, I utilize Media Queries to make my apps responsive, and implement Sass to make large codebases cleaner and more elegant.
Assignments, data structures, algorithms, functions... JavaScript is my preferred language when programming. Most of my JavaScript experience has been in the world of ES6 with its arrow functions, classes, and other new features. I have experience with Fetch and Axios for HTTP requests, AJAX and JSON for interacting with servers and databases, and Jest and Chai for writing unit tests.
I started building apps in React using basic lifecycle methods with class-based, stateless functional components and JSX. To stay current, I have since transitioned to using Hooks, functional components with state, and Context API and Redux for state management. I've experience with Router and Transition Group for smooth navigation, JWT for user auth, MongDB, Express, and Node for server-side content.